Thursday, November 4, 2010

Chandler Burr . . .

writes perfume reviews, and pens gems like these:

  • "If Chanel No. 5 were a Jolly Rancher flavor, this would be it."
  • "Yes, something’s there, but it’s detectable in the way that AM radio picks up ghost-like murmurings."
  • "It starts out as a delightful retro, channeling the aftershave used decades ago in Italian barbershops – delicious, aromatic pine with bark of burnished cinnamon. About five hours later, after that burns off, the scent that remains is neutral human breath, warm and strange – and incredibly, almost upsettingly intimate. The barber is inches away, squinting as he trims your sideburns. If you find that he’s a bit too close, simply reapply after a few hours and the ’50s-era pine will return and endure."
  • "It’s a gourmand, and I have a real weakness for gourmands."
  • "Laotian benzoin, a sweet Asian incense, approximates its warmth, and Japanese yuzu, a deliciously fragrant citrus with notes of lemon and tangerine, conjures its aromatic, nearly edible quality."
Also, perfume names . . . they're ridiculous in the most ridiculous way. Like "Midnight Fantasy Britney Spears" (I actually really do love this review though. Made me literally LOL).

And this, my friends, is what Kate and I stay up late reading. It's absolutely ridiculous, and I'm now addicted. 

1 comment:

Chandler Burr said...

Thanks, Rachel, I'm glad you like my Times stuff.
You'll have to come to NYC in Nov, 2011. My first exhibition of perfume masterworks at the Museum of Arts and Design opens that month.