Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Look

I decided my blog name was boring. So I changed it. Ta-da! Custard Cremes and Milk. Random, less lame, and some of my favorite things to feast upon.

And then I decided that, in celebration of a new name, I needed a new look. So I got a little more tech-fancy than I usually do. I changed the colors, added the picture at the top (which, by the way, is of Tintagel, in Cornwall, which was on of my favorite places in England--it's taken from King Arthur's castle looking down into the cove that's home of Merlin's Cave), and...i don't know, just made things more exciting. :D

So yep. Welcome to the world of Custard Cremes and Milk!

1 comment:

Emma said...

yay! you have a blog! i miss you. ps, you have combined too many of my favorite things, aka custard cremes, tintagel, milk, and rachel ashby. i think my heart will explode